Gjern Bakker, Gjern Å og Gjern By
Turen starter ved feriecentret og går ned gennem en mindre sidedal til Gjern Ådal. Man passerer en fiskedam, hen over en bæk og op til banestien. Når Gjern by anes for enden af banestien går man til højre. Ruten fortsætter herefter gennem et villakvarter og op langs Amerikavej.
The orange trail.
The trail starts at the holiday center and continues through a small side valley of the main valley of Gjern Ådal. You will pass a fishing pond and cross a small brook up towards the rail road track. The trail continues along the rail road track and when the village of Gjern is visible at the end of the rail road track you must turn right. The trail then continues through a residential area and upwards along the main road Amerikavej.
Orange Route – 3,5 km – 1,5 Stunden
Die Tour fängt am Ferienzentrum an und führt runter durch ein kleineres Seitental bis Gjern